Monday, September 14, 2009


Some things just cannot go smoothly. University credit is one of those things.

It would do everyone well to keep this short and sweet (or a little bitter, rather).

Credits from Buenos Aires became a problem. The director of the program had been out of the loop for months. So there was a serious lack of communication. I received an inconsiderate email yesterday about how my situation is a "veritable mess". Let's just say I got pretty angry. Called my mother, shaking and sobbing. Wrote an email back (minus a few phrases that I decided would be better cut out). And waited. And waited.

The "veritable mess" has improved a bit since yesterday, but it has managed to stress me out quite a bit.

That, plus the fact that I supposedly need to make my year/semester decision this week. Which is just not going to happen. When Rita asked what my hesitations are, I rattled off responses about credits and majors and assessing my situation, etc. Then she bluntly asked me if I was homesick. I'd been doing really well until that moment. But the tears just started coming. Stress makes me a very emotional person (for those of you who don't already know this).

I don't intend for this blog to be a space to vent, but sometimes it just has to be done.

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